A firm’s financial planning department reports that a project’s proposed risk-adjusted return on capital (RAROC) is 13 percent, the risk-free rate is 3 percent, the market return is 11 percent and the firm’s equity beta is 1.3...
If all spot interest rates are increased by one basis point, a value of a portfolio of swaps will increase by $1000. For hedging the portfolio,how many Eurodollar futures contracts are needed...
In pricing a first-to-default credit basket swap, which of the following is true, all else being equal...
A fund manager recently received a report on the performance of his portfolio over the last year. According to the report, the portfolio return is 8.6%, with a standard deviation of 13.5%, and beta of 0.86. The risk-free rate is 3.6%, what is its Sharpe ratio...
A portfolio consists of two positions. The VaR of the two positions are $100 million and $20 million. If the returns of the two positions are not correlated, the VaR of the portfolio would be closest to...
Suppose there is a $1,000,000 portfolio with n = 50 credits that each has a default probability of π =0.02 percent and a zero recovery rate, the default correlation is 0. In addition, each credit is equally weighted and has a...
IManagement of the organization is ultimately responsible for risk oversight...
Assume that a trader wishes to set up a hedge such that he sells $100,000 of a Treasury bond and buys Treasury TIPS as a hedge. Using a historical yield regression framework, assume the hedge adjustment factor ...
The λ of an exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) model is estimated to be 0.8. Daily standard deviation is estimated to be 2.5%, and today’s stock market return is 0.9%. What is the new estimate of the standard deviation...
Suppose the estimate of the volatility today is 6.0% and the asset return is -3.0%. What is the estimate of the long-run average volatility per day...
In pricing a derivative using the Monte Carlo method, we need to stimulate a reasonable number of paths for the price of the underlying asset. Suppose we use a simple model for the return of the underlying asset...