

备考FRM二级  |  2015-09-24

The capital conservation buffer:

A.Is intended to protect banks from the countercyclical nature of bank earnings.

B.Can be set between 0.0% and 2.5% of risk-weighted assets, and is at the discretion of the regulators in individual countries.

C.Causes the Tier 1 equity capital ratio requirement to increase to 7% of risk-weighted assets in normal economic periods.

D.Requires that total capital to risk-weighted assets must be 10.5% at all times.

Answer: C

The capital conservation buffer is meant to protect banks in times of financial distress. Banks are required to build up a buffer of Tier 1 equity capital equal to 2.5% of risk-weighted assets in normal times, which will then be used to cover losses in stress periods. This means that in normal times, a bank should have a minimum 7% Tier 1 equity capital to risk-weighted asset ratio, an 8.5% total Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets ratio, and a 10.5% Tier 1 plus Tier 2 capital to risk-weighted assets ratio. The capital conservation buffer is a requirement and is not left to the discretion of individual country regulators. It is not a requirement at all times but is built up to that level in normal economic periods and declines in stress periods.


相关标签 FRM一级
