

备考FRM二级  |  2015-09-21

As a risk manager for Bank ABC, John is asked to calculate the market risk capital charge of the bank’s trading portfolio under the internal models approach using the information given in the table below. Assuming the return of the bank’s trading portfolio is normally distributed, what is the market risk charge of the trading portfolio?

VaR (95%, 1-day) of last trading dayUSD 40,000

Average VaR (95%, 1-day) for last 60 trading daysUSD 25,000

Multiplication Factor2

A.USD 84,582

B.USD 134,594

C.USD 189,737

D.USD 222,893

Answer: D

Market Risk Capital Charge

= Max [40,000×sqrt(10)/1.65×2.326, 2×25,000×sqrt(10)/1.65×2.326] = 222,893 >>>FRM五月真题

相关标签 FRM一级
