

行业资讯  |  2019-02-05

2001年7月17日,时任英国《金融时报》首席商业专栏作家兼副总编辑彼得·马丁撰文《神话背后的生活 (Life after the Myth)》,详细地描述了杰克·韦尔奇(Jack Welch)在通用电气(General Electric)期间的职业贡献。这位《金融时报》高级作家认为,韦尔奇在应对企业生活的核心矛盾方面具有独特的娴熟能力。




学过美国历史的人很容易联想起美国内战期间北方联盟军第一指挥官乔治·麦克莱伦将军的教训。虽然性格潇洒,但麦克莱伦却常常过于谨慎。而尽管人数不占优势,代表南方的北弗吉尼亚州陆军将领罗伯特·李(Robert E. Lee)将军则常常通过仔细而准确地评估风险,更胜一筹。


The key requirement for maintaining proper balance between risk and return is an appropriate degree of institutional tension between business units and risk managers. Line managers can and should push the envelope in seeking new profit opportunities, even though this generally leads to higher levels of risk. Risk managers are primarily charged with assuring that aggregate risk levels are not dangerously excessive. Despite this, the process works best when each side understands the need for both roles, reinforced by mutual professional respect.

Some institutions have tried to develop this mutual understanding and respect by shifting individuals between the two roles. While this may be successful in some cases, I tend to think these are exceptions.

Generally, there are important psychological differences that predispose individuals to one role or the other. Instinctive line executives tend to focus naturally on upside rewards, viewing the downside risks as speculative and remote. Instinctive risk managers gravitate naturally to the opposite perspective.

Neither position is “right” or “wrong”。 A successful organization must include both perspectives and maintain an effective balance of authority and influence between them.


One implication of this for professional risk managers is to avoid being pigeonholed as just “the risk police.” While oversight and control is a necessary part of the role, the most successful risk managers recognize the importance of supporting and facilitating line management's ability to operate profitably.

One area where risk managers can play an especially valuable role in this regard is in corporate policy deliberations. We all quite naturally and properly apply different rates of discount to any given viewpoint based on its source. We look for conflicts of interest, examine the past track record and make a subjective evaluation of the reliability of the source in deciding how much credence to give to any given claim. This often places line managers at a disadvantage when arguing for higher limits or for development of a new product or service. They have a clear vested interest in the decision, and this tends to raise the implicit discount applied to the arguments they present.

Well informed risk managers can provide an objective viewpoint. Senior executives understand that risk managers do not have the same conflict of interest as line management. Hence, insofar as they can confirm and support the business case, their views tend to carry more weight than those of the line managers themselves.

Market confidence in the quality of an institution's risk management contributes directly to lowering the discount rate applied to expected future earnings. Clearly some characteristics of this task involve the necessity for oversight and control. Nevertheless, it is important for risk professionals to emphasize their role as active contributors to shareholder value. Lacking that, risk management will always be viewed as nothing but an overhead cost to be tolerated but also carefully restricted.







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