最新公告 | 2018-06-19
1、Arriving after the doors have closed
2、Arriving with invalid identification
3、Bringing in and using a non-GARP-issued writing instrument or highlighter during the Exam
4、Bringing in and using an eraser,white-out,correction fluid/tape,highlighters,or rulers
5、Cellular device ringing in the exam room
6、Bringing in wearable technology devices such as Google glasses,watches,smart-watches,fit-bits,or portable clocks
7、Bringing in and using an unauthorized calculator
8、Opening an exam booklet before instructed to do so
9、Writing before instructed to do so
10、Using unauthorized materials(such as paper or crib notes)
11、Looking at another candidate’s answer sheet or Exam booklet
12、Speaking with another candidate during the timed portion of the Exam
13、Exiting and re-entering the building during the timed portion of the Exam
14、Exiting the room during last 30 minutes of exam
15、Removing exam materials from the room
16、Continuing to write after“STOP WRITING”has been announced
17、Displaying disruptive behavior
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